Frequently Asked Questions

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    First problem identification to show last committer

    Jimmy Li · 0 · Posted

    Here is our setup:

    1. Bitbucket as git

    2. Azure Pipelines with continuous integration trigger on changes

    After each commit, a CI build gets triggered automatically and if it fails, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TFS broke the build .. " is shown in Catlight. Is there a way to show the last committer instead of the system user for the CI - "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TFS"?

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    Bitbucket OAuth Plugin for Authorization in Jenkins

    Parjanya Roy · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    How can I use CatLight to connect to a Jenkins instance which uses Bitbucket OAuth Plugin for Authorization ?



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    How does one connect CatLight to Azure DevOps Express (the local, on-prem variant)?

    Fdweller · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Just downloaded the extension, want to hook it up to my local Azure DevOps express - no obvious way to do so.

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    Taskbar Notifications

    Justin Bauer · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Am I able to receive taskbar notifications when a build starts or finishes or fails instead of having to open the dashboard? I vaguely remember seeing popups in the past from the notification area of my taskbar before I got a new computer.

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    Does CatLight works on Ubuntu 20.04?

    Emile Bitar · 4 · Last reply by catlight

    I am unable to have Catlight running on Ubuntu 20.04

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    Add Branch to Dashboard via API

    Martin Schwarz · 0 · Posted


    a short question, is it possible to add new Branches to the Dashboard, from the outside (REST API/ etc.)?



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    Push notifications instead of monitoring

    Radoslav Backovsky · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Hi. I love the idea of this app. I have a project on Travis-CI and I would like to ask if it is possible to enable push notification to CatLight from Travis-CI instead of monitoring every 60 or 30 seconds. It would make more sense to just be notified about the status. Most likely I miss some knowledge so explanation would be greatly appreciated.  

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    CatLight PRO - Key activation

    Eldad Cohen · 4 · Last reply by Eldad Cohen


    Key Activation for CatLight PRO , How the key activation will be done in offline network without internet connection.


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    Wrong company name on invoice

    Orderdesk Is Services · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Because of tax compliance reasons the company name on the invoice should be Canon Production Printing Netherlands B.V (instead of in parentheses)

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    Charged for CatLight but we don't use it anymore

    Dylan · 1 · Last reply by catlight


    Yesterday I received a receipt in my email for an automatic renewal of CatLight 5 Users (Annually) licence.

    However, we haven't been using CatLight for quite some time now. 

    1. Is there any way we can receive a refund for this last billing cycle.

    2. I couldn't see any way on the website to cancel the subscription (although I have unchecked subscription renewal)

    Ideally, we'd like to cancel our account completely so that we don't need to think about it anymore. The product is good but we just don't need it anymore.



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    Is there a way to centrally control developer notifications

    Nturner · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    I would like to control the notification settings for developer groups. Is this possible through Azure Devops?

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    GitLab acces token scopes

    pacholik · 1 · Last reply by catlight


    which access token scopes does CatLight need?

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    GitLab - Separate branches and Regex

    Arnaud Thiry · 6 · Last reply by catlight

    I'm using CatLight with managed hosted GitLab projects.

    I can see the status of builds in the notification area and select the builds I want to monitor.

    My issues:

     - I can't get any notifications (even though I enabled the option)  - I don't get split build notifications  - The regex for the branch filters do not seem to work (I get colleagues' feature builds showing up)


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    Perpetual license

    Kuba · 0 · Posted

    Is there possibility to buy perpetual license of CatLight? I'm not fan of subscription model of software and would like to pay once and have it done.

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    How can I filter CatLight to show / notify only for my personal builds?

    BoPapa 1979 · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    I am evaluating CatLight.  I work on a team of about 200 developers, and the noise from the build notifications is just incredible.

    I'd like to configure CatLight so that it shows notifications only for my builds.  I'd also like to filter the dashboard to show only builds triggered for me.  Are these things possible?

    I understand focus mode will only show when I personally break the build, but I'd also like to know when my builds are green.

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    Change renewal payment method

    Dear Support, 

    Is it feasable to change the payment method for the Catlight renewal?

    We have been renewing the team several times and we want to change from credit card payment to bank transfer 60 days.

    Please, let me know if this is fine for you.

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    Will GitHub ever be supported?

    sheldonhull · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    I'd really like to keep track of all my repositories open pull requests, associated actions, and new issues. I used "Trailer" before for mac but I've had trouble with getting it to work. 

    Made me think of CatLight and why GitHub integration hasn't been done. Is this planned or will this product focus on non-github stacks?

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    How to connect to GitHub Enterprise?

    Brandon Huber · 2 · Last reply by Brandon Huber

    I'm trying to connect CatLight to a GitHub Enterprise instance via the access token, but I can't figure out what the API URL is supposed to be. Here's the error I get:

    I've tried several permutations of the URL:

    • https://<HOSTNAME>/
    • https://<HOSTNAME>/api
    • https://<HOSTNAME>/api/v3

    All three of these return the same error: An error occurred with this API request

    How can I find out what the API URL is?

    GitHub Enterprise version: 3.4.10

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    How can I watch Pull Request builds?

    Brandon Huber · 4 · Last reply by Brandon Huber

    In my Action list, I would like to be able to watch any PR builds that I triggered. However, I can't seem to find a configuration that will allow me to do this. Here's what I have in my Action list:

    It looks like the "Only my builds" option includes branch builds, but not PR builds. Is that expected?

    • Build server: Azure DevOps
    • Repo: GitHub Enterprise
    • Catlight v3.0.27
    • OS: Win10
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    Pullrequest ActionList not changing status

    Stefano Primo · 3 · Last reply by catlight


    I've added to the action List two rules: 

    PR with need attention and PR outgoing. 

    Now, I receive the notification for new PRs but the tray icon won't change color, what am I doing wrong?