How can I download CatLight for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS?
How can I download CatLight for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS?
Why is tray icon yellow when all builds are passing?
Since 1.5.4, CatLight will show yellow icon if some of the connections need configuration.
Typically, connection will need configuration when server no longer accepts you credentials or authentication token expires.
To resolve this, you can either configure or remove connection.
TFS 15 preview support
TFS 15 Preview has just been released and catlight is unable to authenticate against it. I suppose this is due to changes in the REST API, now accepting Bearer tokens as well as NTLM authentication.
How to flag the specific user that broke the build
I'm just trying catlight with jenkins p4 plugin. Seems lightweight and very easy to get going.
As things stand I can see "somebody broke the build a few secs ago".
Is there a way to configure to attach a real userid?
Does CatLight support multiple VSTS accounts?
I use many different VSTS accounts based on what client I'm currently working with? Do you support multiple VSTS accounts?
how to add a jenkins with custom https certificate (needs an exception in normal browsers)
Probably the same as for other self hosted services?
Question on your VSTS integration
I am a developer working in VSTS for Microsoft. In CatLight's integration with VSTS, does it make a call to the following REST API to get a list of a user's VSTS accounts?
And if so, which fields do you consume? I am assuming just the AccountUri field or both AccountUri and AccountName.
Also, I was going through CatLight's initial start experience, and it seemed to me that you are able to figure out the VSTS account that I am currently signed into, but it's not clear to me how you pick one particular account since my user
Is it possible to integrate Dual Factor Authentication?
Would it be possible to use Dual Factor Authentication via OKTA to prompt for credentials?
We use Jenkins 2.0
Is it possible to have mulitple 'catlights' in my macos status bar? i want two icons, each with a unique set of jobs. i cant seem to open a second instance
Is it possible to have mulitple 'catlights' in my macos status bar? i want two icons, each with a unique set of jobs. i cant seem to open a second instance
Catlight installation on CentOS
Can we installed Catlight on CentOS 8?
Download page shows only support for ubuntu OS using .deb package.
If we can install catlight on CentOS, please share the supporting document for installation on CentOS.
Is the pipeline name in CatLight customizable - e.g. to include repo name?
We are in the middle of migrating from Azure DevOps to GitHub. It was great timing that CatLight now supports GitHub. Thanks! One issue we are facing is that in CatLight, we cannot tell what repo the pipeline belongs to. Most of the workflows we have in GitHub Actions are simplified - e.g. build, deploy-to-dev, deploy-to-prod, etc.. When browsing in GitHub Actions, this is not an issue because we are looking at the workflows with the repo's context. However, when looking this at CatLight, we see a bunch of "build" failure and there's no way to know which repo it
Can I use Catlight to monitor all open and waiting Pull Requests from all team collaborators across a collection?
I intend to use Catlight to monitor around 30 projects, each with 5 or so repos. We are using Azure Devops Server (self-hosted).
My planned usage scenario is to have Catlight just for the PR managing team (around 5 people). By default, Catlight monitors only items from the logged user.
Why is setup so big?
Catlight itself is a small app. It it is built on Electron and .Net Core frameworks. These frameworks are quite large and are included into setup file, so you don't have to download and install anything separately.
What versions of TFS are supported?
Catlight works with TFS 2017, 2015, 2013 Update 5 and VSTS (Visual Studio Online).
What operating systems are supported?
Catlight runs on Windows and Mac OS X.
Minimum required OS versions:
- Windows 7 Service Pack 1 with latest updates.
- Mac OS X 10.9
Proxy authentication
I am trying to connect to VSTS through a proxy server, but I cannot enter proxy credentials anywhere.
Getting the error:
- Cannot connect: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
Is there a limit to the number of Team Projects the dashboard will display?
I've just downloaded the latest CatLight, When connecting to our defaultcollection, Most Team Projects are displayed but other Team Projects and thier builds are missing, Is there a limit to the number of Team Projects the dashboard will display?
What vsts permissions are needed? we are getting AuthenticationExceptions
After seeing the Request to Allow/Deny the permission, if we click "Allow" we get this stack trace on visual studio online:
Web.Services.Tfs.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed. Error code: Unauthorized
at Web.Services.Tfs.TfsModule.<>c__DisplayClass53_0`1.<<TfsGet>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at Web.Services.Tfs.TfsModule.<InvokeWithAuthRetry>d__55`1.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at Web.Services.Tfs.TfsModule.<InvokeWithAuthRetry>d__55`1.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
How can I add CatLight to Windows startup?
CatLight was not installed to my Start Menu's Startup folder. How can I add it there so that CatLight starts when Windows starts but only in the system tray, without opening the CatLight window? Is there a command line argument to do this?
does not work behind proxy (wpad)
We have wpad for automatic proxy configuration in use. Catlight gives a connection timeout error while starting and doesn't even allow us to use on-prem TFS. (menu grayed out)