Dynamically include all builds/releases
While you can select all for builds/releases, this only includes the ones present at that point in time.
We create a lot of builds/releases (as we work across lots of projects and try to create lots of small repos that do 1 thing well) - so we often have people forgetting to add all the latest ones and thus miss notifications!
On-premise installation
Currently, several CatLight features, like build investigations, depend on the online service. Some bigger companies has strict security requirements that expect all software to run within local network without accessing the Internet.
This idea requests an ability to install CatLight service locally and use it within the company network.
If you need an on-premise installation for different reason, please provide it in the comments.
auto discover new builds for a team project
We have several team projects. I usually select one team project in CatLight, so I see all build notifications from all the builds from this team project.
The problem is when someone creates a new build definition in this team project it is not checked in CatLight and so I don't get the notofocations. Is ist possible to "automatic discover" all builds to a team project (maybe on program start) when I have checked the complete team project in the CatLight settings?
Show build folders in TFS 2017
Currently the app shows TFS 2017 as a flat list for each project. Vote on this idea if you want a hierarchical build definition display.
Make the cat green if all builds have been successful.
Shouldn't the cat in the tray be green if all builds are currently successfull?
And couldn't the cat also visualize if there are currently builds in progress?
Invoke build from Catlight (for Jenkins or perhaps all)
As a user, I want to invoke a build from the CatLight dashboard, so that I don't have to load my CI tool to do so.
My suggestion is to provide a "build now" button for each project, but it could also be a right-click option.
I am using CatLight for Windows.
Black/white-list watched branches
Currently, CatLight informs that a build is broken even if it's just a random pull-request. It would be neat if each project could be configured to black- or white-list branches that should be watched, such that branches can be excluded from affecting the project's build status in CatLight.
A bonus would be to have individual build status per branch, where i.e. up to three branches could be selected as "favorite" branches for a project and shown with an individual traffic light on the dashboard.
Order Build Configs by last build
It would be nice if the build configs were ordered by the last build date instead of by name, so the latest build is shown at top and the oldest build is shown at bottom.
force manual refresh
It would be great if it's possible to manually trigger a refresh of all projects. Some kind of button and/or submenu entry would be great.
Support Team City
We currently have some builds on TeamCity and some on Jenkins - it's likely to remain this way for a while. Team City support would be great as we could keep an eye on our various projects from the same notification app.
Restore position and size of CatLight window on start
At the moment CatLight windows starts with predefined size and at predefined position. It is always necessary to resize it and move it at desired position. It would be very useful, when the last selected size and position of the window where restored.
Add support for CloudBees Operations Centres and Enterprise Jenkins Masters (Supporting folders etc.)
CloudBees Enterprise Jenkins https://www.cloudbees.com/ has the concept of an Operations Centre (https://documentation.cloudbees.com/docs/cjoc-user-guide/introduction.html) which you attach masters to. It also has the concept of folders (Also in the free version) which you can group jobs together. It would be great if you could point CatLight to an operations centre and then it can follow the path info the attached masters and folders until you get to individual jobs that you can monitor.
Make port number fixed/configurable
Could you make the http port configurable to make sure that Catlight always runs under the same port? Now it just picks a random available port.