PR Management
Please allow me to set a setting that will hide PR's that I have already completed. Also allow notifications for when PR's that I have been listed as a reviewer on are completed.
Change state for pull requests that I voted on
I am using Azure Devops. Is there a way of filtering out the pull requests that I have approved (or Approved with suggestions).
The main goal would be to have a "green" status icon when I have approved a pull request I am assigned on, instead of the status icon remaining blue until the PR is completed ?
Pull requests that I have rejected or "waiting for author", I would like them to stay in my action list.
- by Alain Bolduc
Under Review
Ignore abandoned releases in Azure DevOps
CatLight should ignore abandoned releases in Azure DevOps, such that the main status indicator shows the most recent non-abandoned release. Or, it could be made optional.
Support CodeMagic
It would be nice to have out of the box support to monitor builds running inside CodeMagic ( https://codemagic.io/ )
WorkItem Task time tracking feature
A great feature that no other tool in this form delivers would be when you can list all your tasks in the current sprint allowing you to start/stop work without opening the work Item and having the time subtracted from remaining work and added to completed work.
I have not found any tray tool that would allow you to do that.
Show the number of items on the dashboard and in settings
Suggested by DSmith:
I maintain 280+ build/release scripts and with the new search bar filtering it would be beneficial to have the number of items found on a search displayed and an overall total when a filter is not applied..
A count of items on the settings page for build and releases. I can see a number of items available and number of items selected would be beneficial.
Display checkin-comment i dasboard and/or build notification
It would be very useful to be able to display the checkin-comment (TFS) in the dashbord, and perhaps the new build notification
Add Web support
Can you add web support to use catlight from a browser?
Grouped Builds
It would be really great if we could group builds in such a way that triggering the group would trigger all builds in that group.
Display build number on the dashboard
Feedback from Yonnatanba:
In the Dashboard, when working with VSTS or Azure DevOps builds, the build has a definition name, but is it possible to also Display the Build Number ? Most people including me use the Build Number as additional Naming convention for the Executed Build, and it would be lovely to be able to display it on the Dashboard.
Support for Polarion
Polarion is an ALM Tool similar to TFS. Notifications for Polarion Work Items would be great.
Save out a report
It would be great if Catlight could save a report on build / pipeline status in CSV for further analysis. Including information such as name, status, how long ago, who broke it, if it's being investigated for example.
A further formatted report in HTML/PDF/DOC format would also be useful.
Have a grid layout
I just counted that I'm monitoring 18 builds/releases. Sometimes I also monitor some bug triage queues too.
I've got a decent size monitor, but I can't fit this all on my screen, and it's difficult to find the build I'm interested in. It would be nice if we could have a grid view so that the names of the builds/releases could all be in one column. Currently this information is interspersed with other text about when the build last ran and who triggered it. That makes it tricky to scan when I'm looking for a build. Ideally the info about