Accepted Ideas

  • 6

    API Hooks

    Colter McQuay · 2 · Last reply by matthias

    Just downloaded your application and I'm really impressed.  It works really well.  I'm currently working on some continuous deployment stuff for the company I work at and specifically running scripts on a local machine as a result of a particular build succeeding, failing etc.

    It would be really awesome to be able to leverage all of the polling and notification stuff that you guys are already doing and be able to react to certain events (i.e. run a script when Project A succeeds -> passing in build context perhaps to the script).


  • 5

    Dashboard view to show all running & queued builds across all selected projects

    bpsmicro · 0 · Posted

    One useful feature of the old TFS Build Manager (non-functional for vNext) is to be able to have a single view showing *all* queued & running builds across all projects at once, so we can see at a glance what our build machines are up to.