Support Travis Enterprise
The Travis Support is cool... can we add Travis Enterprise support? I think it is basically the same except that the URL will be different.
Catlight for Phabricator / Harbormaster
Catlight should support the Harbormaster build server that is part of Phabricator.
To receive the status of builds within Harbormaster, you'll need to get the user to provide an API token. Once you have that, you can query the API endpoints in Conduit to find out:
- A list of repositories the user has access to: https://secure.phabricator.com/conduit/method/diffusion.repository.search/
- A list of branches in each repository: https://secure.phabricator.com/conduit/method/diffusion.branchquery/
- With the commit hashes, you then need find out the internal PHIDs (unique identifiers) of those commits with: https://secure.phabricator.com/conduit/method/diffusion.querycommits/
- Then you can query the pass / fail status of those commits by passing those PHIDs in as "buildablePHIDs"
Collapse server lists with overall status light
Are jobs are organized into folders with multiple jobs as it is quite a large project.
I can add each folder as a jenkins connection to CatLight no problem but there are 20-30 jobs in each jenkins folder.
It would be great if I could collapse each connection so I can see at a glance at a top level which Jenkins folder instance is causing the failure.
So as a user I would like:
- Collapse server lists with overall status light
- Aliases (friendly name) for each server connection
- Ability to sort/order the connections
- organize server connections into
Dynamic polling rate
for example: poll for new builds every 60 seconds, but poll for changes every 5 seconds when something is actually building.
Use logos in the dashboard
To make the dashboard easier to scan visually, it would be nice if each SCM provider was identified by its logo. It would also be nice to have logos for each organization/repository. Please take a look at how Gitter has solved the latter. Here's a screenshot from my Gitter dashboard:
Integration with BuildKite
BuildKite is a popular CI service which i feel would benefit from integration with your application.
Website: http://buildkite.com
Support for CCTray is available so integration should be a cinch.
Allow change/configuration of the colour scheme
Possibly as a set of alternative schemes or schemes+full config
Reconcile notifications
It would be awesome if you could add reconcile notifications after TFS gated checkin. Just like the VS build notification app does.
Chocolatey package
Chocolatey is an apt-get/yum/etc package manager for windows built on top of nuget.
Allow removing individual build def from dashboard
the build list can be long when looking for 1 to add, but when we no longer care about a build it should be easy to remove from the dashboard instead of going back to settings to uncheck it.
Allow to change font size / zoom.
To adjust number of builds displayed.
Dashboard view to show all running & queued builds across all selected projects
One useful feature of the old TFS Build Manager (non-functional for vNext) is to be able to have a single view showing *all* queued & running builds across all projects at once, so we can see at a glance what our build machines are up to.