New Ideas

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    Configure Projects to not effect the Dashboard status

    Matthias Kretschmar · 0 · Posted

    I have some Projects that only have the status FAILED or WARNING. They never hav status SUCCEEDED.

    I would like this projects not to turn my CatLight DashboardIcon to yellow. My only workaround  at the current point is to remove my project from the Dashboard or doen't use the color of the Icon.

    Maybe I could projects to be ignored when checking if DashboardStatus is WARNING or SUCCEEDED.

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    Per-build or per-type notifications

    John Shkolnik · 0 · Posted

    Use cases:

    1. I want to be notified whenever any of my gated builds finish, regardless of state.
    2. I want to be notified whenever any of my builds complete.
    3. I want to be notified whenever any selected build fails, but not the ones I just want to monitor silently.
    4. I want to be notified whenever the build quality changes on any of my builds.
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    Differentiate builds that partially succeed vs builds that fail

    John Shkolnik · 0 · Posted

    I'd want to be notified of a complete build failure but not necessarily a partial one because it might be a while before it's fixed, which means every build will trigger a notification and become simply noise. I would want a notification when build quality worsens, though.

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    Display different icon for cancelled build and return status to previous build

    Graham Hobson · 3 · Last reply by Mr Bedo

    I build was broken and displayed as such.

    The next action then was - someone tried to fix it and then started a build. They then had a change of heart, having thought of something and cancelled the build.

    The dashboard icon for the individual build should change from the white arrow on green (running/queued build) to a new icon for cancelled. The overall status of the build definition should be taken from the last completed build and should not remain as running, so in this case should change from the large green arrow to the white cross in a red circle.

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    Add support for Drone CI

    Aleksey Palazhchenko · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Probably, the easiest way is to add support for cctray xml format.

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    Add support for any CI with cctray xml format

    Aleksey Palazhchenko · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    See works with any compatible CI.

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    API Hooks

    Colter McQuay · 2 · Last reply by matthias

    Just downloaded your application and I'm really impressed.  It works really well.  I'm currently working on some continuous deployment stuff for the company I work at and specifically running scripts on a local machine as a result of a particular build succeeding, failing etc.

    It would be really awesome to be able to leverage all of the polling and notification stuff that you guys are already doing and be able to react to certain events (i.e. run a script when Project A succeeds -> passing in build context perhaps to the script).


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    Support for embrava connect

    Embrava Connect is a small device which can be connected through USB. It ships with a small SDK. The cool part is that it has a full RGB light and optionally a little speaker which can be used as a build notification light. The SDK is available for .NET.

    Would be great if either:

     * Catlight would provide direct integration with Embrava Connect

     * Catlight would offer an extension API which would allow us to react on status changes

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    Post to slack when clicking 'I will investigate'.

    Jouke · 0 · Posted

    This will make it useful on a team where not everyone is using the app.

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    Siren / Sound played when a build fails

    Joseph de Ronde · 0 · Posted

    Hi Guys

    I would love to see a setting that you could add a Siren sound to a build failure notification. I really wanted to install this on the computer that is connected to our projector and have the entire team informed when a build fails!! This would be great.

    Cheers Joe.

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    Link to build console when succeed/failed message popup

    Henry.T · 0 · Posted

    When build succeed, I want to go directly to console page for the artificial.

    When build failed, I want to go directly to console page for error checking.

    So it will be great to have a way to jump there!

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    Icon similar to github

    Mscommunities1 · 0 · Posted

    Is it me or is the catlight icon very similar to that of github? This is especially true when its a small icon in the taskbar.

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    Cat should not become red for failed gated builds

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    In TFS, and I suppose other build system have this too, I can do a gated check-in. That is make the server build a shelfset that is not checked in to any branches yet. If the build succeeds, the changes will be checked in, if it fails, nothing will be checked in.

    If the build of such a gated check-in fails the cat should not become red.

    Submitted by: bit bonk.

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    Organize the dashobard on project first, CI provider after

    Asbjørn Ulsberg · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    It would be nice if it was possible to organize the dashboard such that the hierarchy was: Team > Project > CI Provider, instead of CI Provider > Team > Project, as it is now.

    Since all projects I have in CatLight are on GitHub, it feels more natural to organize them from a GitHub perspective, where which CI servproviderce builds the project is secondary to the team and project/repository.

    With such an organization of the dashboard, each CI provider could be represented with nothing more than a logo with a traffic light beside it, to indicate the build status of the associated

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    Support for CruiseControl.Net

    BrightLight · 0 · Posted

    Please add support for CruiseControl.Net (