Allow removing individual build def from dashboard
the build list can be long when looking for 1 to add, but when we no longer care about a build it should be easy to remove from the dashboard instead of going back to settings to uncheck it.
Allow change/configuration of the colour scheme
Possibly as a set of alternative schemes or schemes+full config
Use logos in the dashboard
To make the dashboard easier to scan visually, it would be nice if each SCM provider was identified by its logo. It would also be nice to have logos for each organization/repository. Please take a look at how Gitter has solved the latter. Here's a screenshot from my Gitter dashboard:
Dynamic polling rate
for example: poll for new builds every 60 seconds, but poll for changes every 5 seconds when something is actually building.
Catlight for Phabricator / Harbormaster
Catlight should support the Harbormaster build server that is part of Phabricator.
To receive the status of builds within Harbormaster, you'll need to get the user to provide an API token. Once you have that, you can query the API endpoints in Conduit to find out:
- A list of repositories the user has access to: https://secure.phabricator.com/conduit/method/diffusion.repository.search/
- A list of branches in each repository: https://secure.phabricator.com/conduit/method/diffusion.branchquery/
- With the commit hashes, you then need find out the internal PHIDs (unique identifiers) of those commits with: https://secure.phabricator.com/conduit/method/diffusion.querycommits/
- Then you can query the pass / fail status of those commits by passing those PHIDs in as "buildablePHIDs"
Icon similar to github
Is it me or is the catlight icon very similar to that of github? This is especially true when its a small icon in the taskbar.
Post to slack when clicking 'I will investigate'.
This will make it useful on a team where not everyone is using the app.
Support for embrava connect
Embrava Connect is a small device which can be connected through USB. It ships with a small SDK. The cool part is that it has a full RGB light and optionally a little speaker which can be used as a build notification light. The SDK is available for .NET.
Would be great if either:
* Catlight would provide direct integration with Embrava Connect
* Catlight would offer an extension API which would allow us to react on status changes
Add support for Drone CI
Probably, the easiest way is to add support for cctray xml format.
Differentiate builds that partially succeed vs builds that fail
I'd want to be notified of a complete build failure but not necessarily a partial one because it might be a while before it's fixed, which means every build will trigger a notification and become simply noise. I would want a notification when build quality worsens, though.
Per-build or per-type notifications
Use cases:
- I want to be notified whenever any of my gated builds finish, regardless of state.
- I want to be notified whenever any of my builds complete.
- I want to be notified whenever any selected build fails, but not the ones I just want to monitor silently.
- I want to be notified whenever the build quality changes on any of my builds.
Configure Projects to not effect the Dashboard status
I have some Projects that only have the status FAILED or WARNING. They never hav status SUCCEEDED.
I would like this projects not to turn my CatLight DashboardIcon to yellow. My only workaround at the current point is to remove my project from the Dashboard or doen't use the color of the Icon.
Maybe I could projects to be ignored when checking if DashboardStatus is WARNING or SUCCEEDED.
Would be good to have a keyboard shortcut for opening/closing Catlight dashboard
On macOS (don't know about the others) only mouse can open/close it