Top Topics

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    Organize the dashobard on project first, CI provider after

    Asbjørn Ulsberg · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    It would be nice if it was possible to organize the dashboard such that the hierarchy was: Team > Project > CI Provider, instead of CI Provider > Team > Project, as it is now.

    Since all projects I have in CatLight are on GitHub, it feels more natural to organize them from a GitHub perspective, where which CI servproviderce builds the project is secondary to the team and project/repository.

    With such an organization of the dashboard, each CI provider could be represented with nothing more than a logo with a traffic light beside it, to indicate the build status of the associated

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    Why is tray icon yellow when all builds are passing?

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Since 1.5.4, CatLight will show yellow icon if some of the connections need configuration. 

    Typically, connection will need configuration when server no longer accepts you credentials or authentication token expires.

    To resolve this, you can either configure or remove connection.

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    Ability to exclude DRAFT PRs

    Chris Cogburn · 2 · Last reply by Chris Cogburn

    It would be very helpful if there was a way to exclude PR's marked as DRAFT from the list

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    Can I use Catlight to monitor all open and waiting Pull Requests from all team collaborators across a collection?

    Bruno Rodrigues · 3 · Last reply by Bruno Rodrigues

    I intend to use Catlight to monitor around 30 projects, each with 5 or so repos. We are using Azure Devops Server (self-hosted).

    My planned usage scenario is to have Catlight just for the PR managing team (around 5 people). By default, Catlight monitors only items from the logged user.

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    CatLight for macOS should support Apple Silicon

    Jonathan Dodds · 0 · Posted

    CatLight v3.5.1 for macOS is Intel only. it is not a universal app.

    Apple completed transitioning to Apple Silicon (ARM) chips in June 2023.

    In the past CatLight Support indicated that ARM support is on the product roadmap and requires significant changes to the build infrastructure.

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    Is the pipeline name in CatLight customizable - e.g. to include repo name?

    Jimmy Li · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    We are in the middle of migrating from Azure DevOps to GitHub. It was great timing that CatLight now supports GitHub. Thanks! One issue we are facing is that in CatLight, we cannot tell what repo the pipeline belongs to. Most of the workflows we have in GitHub Actions are simplified - e.g. build, deploy-to-dev, deploy-to-prod, etc.. When browsing in GitHub Actions, this is not an issue because we are looking at the workflows with the repo's context. However, when looking this at CatLight, we see a bunch of "build" failure and there's no way to know which repo it

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    No accelerated notifications for Azure DevOps

    Bernhard Millauer · 4 · Last reply by catlight

    Hi! We enabled and configured the devops addon as suggested in but the acceleration isn't recognized. I event installed catlight on a new machine to see if my local settings interfere with it but no, the acceleration doesn't show up.

    Do we need to do anything more than what is described?


  • How to configure accelerated notifications for Azure DevOps

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    By default, CatLight will poll your server every minute to check for updates. For Azure DevOps/TFS, you can configure push notifications using webhooks. After that CatLight app will significantly reduce polling frequency, and check for changes when it receives the push notification. You can expect to get notifications about 10x faster and reduce your server load by about 30x.

    How to enable accelerated notifications

    • Install the CatLight Azure DevOps extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace
    • Go to Azure DevOps web UI. Every project should now have "CatLight" hub on the left. 

    • In the CatLight hub, click on "Enable accelerated notifications".
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    Azure Devops (TFS) build shows "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.System" as a user that broke the build

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    This happens because Azure DevOps incorrectly reports the triggered user for the build in continuous integration mode when batching is disabled.


    In Azure DevOps, go to edit pipeline -> triggers , and check the "Batch changes while a build is in progress". 

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    New version 2.38 detected as malicious software on MacOs X

    Mattias Santoro · 1 · Last reply by Mattias Santoro

    Hi all,  seems that new catlight version is not trusted by apple and won't start cause it's detected as malicious software.  I'm currently on MacOs Monterey 12.4

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    Under Review

    Ignore abandoned releases in Azure DevOps

    Brian Baker · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    CatLight should ignore abandoned releases in Azure DevOps, such that the main status indicator shows the most recent non-abandoned release. Or, it could be made optional.

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    Support CodeMagic

    Tibo Desodt · 1 · Last reply by Tibo Desodt

    It would be nice to have out of the box support to monitor builds running inside CodeMagic ( )

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    Catlight show "unknown branch" when building branch merges

    Kbe · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Hi there

    I'm running Catlight 2.32.2 and our CI engine is Jenkins v2.235.5.

    We're running GitFlow and when we merge a pull request, say PR1, into develop, all other PRs 2, 3 and 4 are triggered, merging the new develop commit (PR1) into PR2, 3 and 4

    When that happens, Catlight reports '~unknown-branch' for branches that are about to be built and if i.e. PR2 experiences merge conflicts, the build fails in Catlight, but for "unknown-branch" with the message: "Somebody broke the build", not who it is.

    It's quite annoying to not be able to see where the build comes

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    Catlight installation on CentOS

    va · 2 · Last reply by va


    Can we installed Catlight on CentOS 8?

    Download page shows only support for ubuntu OS using .deb package.

    If we can install catlight on CentOS, please share the supporting document for installation on CentOS.



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    Jenkins search bug with "all" checkbox

    Brian Hughes · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    If you search a job and select that job the app automatically checks the "all" box because you've now selected "all" the jobs in the view, but once you delete your search phrase you notice that catlight truly selected "all" jobs on the server and not just the jobs from your search results. Disable auto-checking the "all" box when viewing search results (or accurately check whether all jobs were selected in the background and not just the jobs visible in the search results).

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    Connection Problem - 302 Azure Devops - Multiple Organizations

    Jeremy Deckard · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    I have access to with the same account to multiple organizations. I am able to connect to the Devops instance for my primary organization but recieve a 302 when connecting to the other. 

    I have tried logging out of all instances but this does not solve the problem.

    Currently running v2.19.1 with an active subscription.

    Connection problem

    There was a problem accessing your account: Response status code does not indicate success: 302 (Found).

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    Is it possible to have mulitple 'catlights' in my macos status bar? i want two icons, each with a unique set of jobs. i cant seem to open a second instance

    Lakeisha Pogrzeba · 2 · Last reply by Jonathan Dodds

    Is it possible to have mulitple 'catlights' in my macos status bar? i want two icons, each with a unique set of jobs. i cant seem to open a second instance

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    Invalid URI: The Uri scheme is too long.

    Jan Prause · 3 · Last reply by catlight


    since today I get the following error message "Invalid URI: The Uri scheme is too long.". And tried a little bit and found out that is because I choosed too many build definitions. If I deselect some of the definitions, everything works fine.



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    Build Now for multiple build definitions

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    It would be great if I could select multiple build definitions to queue multiple builds at once.

    Suggested by Rie.

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    "Cannot read property 'find' of undefined" when trying to access TFS settings

    Niklas Hansen · 10 · Last reply by catlight

    I get the above error message, when trying to click "Settings" on the TFS-server. I am using version 2.15.3