Top Topics

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    Icon similar to github

    Mscommunities1 · 0 · Posted

    Is it me or is the catlight icon very similar to that of github? This is especially true when its a small icon in the taskbar.

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    Running builds should be shown above queued builds

    Mscommunities1 · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    I am seeing queued builds above some running builds. I thought running builds were supposed to be on top of the list?

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    Failed Travis builds don't produce a notification or a yellow cat icon.

    NoahAndrews · 2 · Last reply by NoahAndrews

    I only just installed CatLight, so this was never working for me. I get notifications for started builds and successful builds, just not failed builds, which are the only notifications I truly care about. I'm using Travis for Open Source. My notification settings are set to show for all builds, and when builds start, succeed, and fail.


    Edit: I had also set CatLight to poll every five seconds for the sake of testing.

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    A single project's build properties are not showing

    Daniel · 2 · Last reply by Daniel

    Hey there, we thought we would try Catlight and have been really enjoying it. We have noticed though that out of 10 builds that we monitor, 1 isn't relaying any information. It has a grety question mark next to it, and the spot where it should say who and when the last build was, has "None".


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    I don't see any travis builds.

    Lukas Malkmus · 3 · Last reply by Dylan Green


    I connected CatLight to Travis-CI Pro, but I don't see any builds. Maybe it's because I have a student account?


    I hope we can fix that :)

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    Cannot change displayed builds

    Serge Chouinard · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    When a connection is added I can choose builds displayed.

    I don't see how to change them later.  In previous versions, I could to it in the settings.

    Version 1.8.2

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    Cannot remove connection

    Serge Chouinard · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    I can add many connections to the same dashboard but I don't see how to remove one.

    version 1.8.2

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    Cancelling "Add Connection" adds a section in dashboard with text "Configuration needed"

    Serge Chouinard · 0 · Posted

    Edit/ Add Connection....

    Then Cancel it

    A new section is added to dashboard with a title like "TFS" but no build, just a warning sign and text "Configuration needed".

    Version 1.8.2

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    Jenkins - Reorder selected job

    Aravind · 1 · Last reply by catlight


    First of all, great utility and keep up the good work!

    When configured to use a jenkins server, after I select the jobs I'm interested in, how do i re-order the display order of these jobs in the Dashboard?

    CatLight for Windows v1.7.14 Beta



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    Integrated Windows authentication does not work for some TFS servers

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Integrated Windows authentication might not work for TFS servers that has multiple authentication schemes turned on (like Basic and NTLM). Issue will affect some users upgrading to 1.7 and newer version.

    This is caused by a bug in 20-year old Win32 API that is internally used by .Net Core. 

    As a workaround, you can connect to the TFS by providing the credentials.

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    Client respects http_proxy environment variable, to connect to localhost server.

    Sean Farrell · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    I am behind a NTLM proxy. To get programs like git through the proxy, I use a local authenticating proxy and define the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables appropriately. Catlight respects these variables, which is really nice, except that I don't run the proxy all the time. Unfortunately catlight uses these variables for the "client" to connect to the server on localhost and when the proxy is not running, catlight fails to connect and the gears keep spinning and spinning.

    Please don't make the client respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables to connect to the localhost.

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    Unable to authenticate

    Jeremy Bailey · 3 · Last reply by catlight

    I just downloaded the product, and am using on premises TFS I am trying to setup, but am getting an authentication issue. I am not using a Proxy I tried to use windows auth and submitting credentials (with domain name) 2016-06-03 14:40:35.8567 |  INFO | EventLogger | {"e":"Tfs.FailedToUpdateSettings","p":{"Message":"Authentication needed. Error message: "}} 2016-06-03 14:41:46.3089 | DEBUG | TfsController | Checking connection to 'http://spp-tfs:8080/tfs/NS' 2016-06-03 14:41:46.6828 | DEBUG | TfsController | Received OK status code

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    CatLight is receiving an error after authorizing vsts for catlight.

    Long Mai · 2 · Last reply by Michele Di Cosmo

    I will be sending an email with the details and log to help debug this.

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    Catlight for Phabricator / Harbormaster

    June Rhodes · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    Catlight should support the Harbormaster build server that is part of Phabricator.

    To receive the status of builds within Harbormaster, you'll need to get the user to provide an API token.  Once you have that, you can query the API endpoints in Conduit to find out:

    • A list of repositories the user has access to:
    • A list of branches in each repository:
    • With the commit hashes, you then need find out the internal PHIDs (unique identifiers) of those commits with: 
    • Then you can query the pass / fail status of those commits by passing those PHIDs in as "buildablePHIDs"
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    On OS X, Command-Q does not quit

    Robert Hencke · 0 · Posted

    The default keystroke to quit on OS X is to press Command-Q.  However, this does not work in CatLight.

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    TFS Authentication

    Leogiciel · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    Hi guys, and thanks for the great work.

    I'm a TFS admin, and I would like to use your soft at work, but when I tested it I've seen two disturbing things in my fiddler :

    CONTEXT : TFS 2015 Update 2.1, two AD Domains, and each user has an account on each domain (ex : DOMAIN1\adminuser and DOMAIN2\admlinuser)

    1 - Seems like all requests are doubled : first one ends on a 401, and second passes (is it by design ?) :

    Result Protocol Host  URL                Body Caching             Content-Type  Process  401  HTTP  tfs:8080 /tfs/defaultcollection/_api/_identity/checkName?name=band... 341  text/html;    charset=us-ascii dnx:2328 500  HTTP  tfs:8080 /tfs/defaultcollection/_api/_identity/checkName?name=band... 20 030 private text/html;  charset=utf-8  dnx:2328 401  HTTP  tfs:8080 /tfs/defaultcollection/_api/_identity/ReadIdentitiesPageJ... 341  text/html;    charset=us-ascii dnx:2328 200  HTTP  tfs:8080 /tfs/defaultcollection/_api/_identity/ReadIdentitiesPageJ... 7 521 private, no-sto...  charset=utf-8  dnx:2328 401  HTTP  tfs:8080 /tfs/defaultcollection/TeamProject1/_apis/build/builds/?ap... 341  text/html;    charset=us-ascii dnx:2328 200  HTTP  tfs:8080 /tfs/defaultcollection/TeamProject1/_apis/build/builds/?ap... 20 304 no-cache; Expir...  charset=utf-8;... dnx:2328

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    Dynamic polling rate

    Amy · 0 · Posted

    for example:  poll for new builds every 60 seconds, but poll for changes every 5 seconds when something is actually building.

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    Use logos in the dashboard

    Asbjørn Ulsberg · 0 · Posted

    To make the dashboard easier to scan visually, it would be nice if each SCM provider was identified by its logo. It would also be nice to have logos for each organization/repository. Please take a look at how Gitter has solved the latter. Here's a screenshot from my Gitter dashboard:

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    Flash of white on refresh

    Asbjørn Ulsberg · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    It would be nice if the build overview refreshed in a more ajax-y way, so there's no flash of bright white background before the page is rendered. It is quite startling and annoying to have the window open and be drawn to the white blink all the time.