New Topics

  • Search and filtering on the dashboard

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    You can use wildcards and extglob expressions to filter items on the dashboard.


    • * - matches any number of characters
    • ? - matches a single character
    • […] - matches any of the enclosed characters. For example: [a-z] , [a-d1-9]
    • ?(pattern-list) - Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns. pattern-list is a list of one or more patterns separated by a ‘|’. 
    • *(pattern-list) - Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns.
    • +(pattern-list) - Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns.
    • @(pattern-list)  - Matches one of the given patterns.
    • !(pattern-list) - Matches anything except one of the given patterns


    • MyProject*Build
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    Bitbucket OAuth Plugin for Authorization in Jenkins

    Parjanya Roy · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    How can I use CatLight to connect to a Jenkins instance which uses Bitbucket OAuth Plugin for Authorization ?



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    First problem identification to show last committer

    Jimmy Li · 0 · Posted

    Here is our setup:

    1. Bitbucket as git

    2. Azure Pipelines with continuous integration trigger on changes

    After each commit, a CI build gets triggered automatically and if it fails, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TFS broke the build .. " is shown in Catlight. Is there a way to show the last committer instead of the system user for the CI - "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TFS"?

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    Add Web support

    Archi · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Can you add web support to use catlight from a browser?

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    Grouped Builds

    Omer Fancy · 0 · Posted

    It would be really great if we could group builds in such a way that triggering the group would trigger all builds in that group.

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    New subscription to Catlight

    James Mcfarland · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    To whomever addresses this issue.

    I am James McFarland my boss updated our catlight subscription because we got a new email address because we were bought.

    I recieved and email from catlight saying

    Todd Rogers invited you to use CatLight.

    To join the team

    1. Get the app

    Use invitation code to join the team

    but i don't get the chance to enter the code to join the team. Also when i log in to your website it says You have an active trial that will expire on Feb 19, 2020

    i think i'm missing something.

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    Can't connect to AppVeyor

    Nick · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    First time user here. Trying to connect to AppVeyor. I'm entering a v2 API key as prompted by CatLight, but every time I get a http 400 response. This looks like it should be exceedingly straight forward, so I'm not sure what I could be doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

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    Jothirajan · 1 · Last reply by Jothirajan

    Currently i do not see any option to display the jobs in vertical (ie, single column one by one). It would be nice to have, as we would like to project the dashboard in a dedicated display device.

    Also, It would be good if i we can have an option to can hide the dashboard header, so that it fits nicely in the display device

  • CatLight 2.29 - Jenkins branching improvements

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    In this version of the app, we improve branch handling for Jenkins jobs. New version should better handle "unknown" branches, and clean them up from the dashboard faster.

    Get the latest version from

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    Unable to connect to the TFS server after MS KB4511555

    Olivier ULMER · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    I installed the KB4511555 yesterday and my CatLight was unable to connect to the TFS server.

    I rollbacked the KB4511555 and now everything works fine. KB4511555 is a security update, it will be necessary to apply this KB4511555

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    Unable to Leave Team

    Jeremy · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    I need to leave my current team in order to join a paid subscriber team instead. The problem is that I find myself unable to leave a team as I can no longer access the Dashboard. If I try to do so, it sends me back to the 'Trial Expired' screen (see attachment).. I tried going to 'My Account' and 'Team" but I am not allowed to remove my email address from the members' list as I am not an admin (see attachment).

  • CatLight 2.28 - Community Edition

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    New version of CatLight has a free edition that is intended for personal use and small teams. This edition can work with limited number of items on the dashboard and has a subset of features.

    Compare the editions at 

  • CatLight 2.27 - Pull Requests Mk I

    catlight · 1 · Last reply by Sander van Broekhoven

    New version of CatLight app can show pull requests from Azure DevOps and TFS 2018+.

    You can select the relevant projects in settings, and pull requests from them will be displayed on the dashboard. CatLight will show notifications and alert developers when new pull request is created.

    We will continue to enhance pull request monitoring in the future. Please add your ideas and suggestions to our backlog , so we can see what needs to be improved next.

    Download the latest version from 

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    Exiting CatLight leaves the icon behind on XFCE4 indicator plugin

    Glontul2000 Gw · 0 · Posted

    CatLight v2.26.3

    XUbuntu 18.04.2 LTS.

    Repeatedly exiting and starting new instances of CatLight results in several CatLight icons, like this:

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    Display build number on the dashboard

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Feedback from Yonnatanba:

    In the Dashboard, when working with VSTS or Azure DevOps builds, the build has a definition name, but is it possible to also Display the Build Number ? Most people including me use the Build Number as additional Naming convention for the Executed Build, and it would be lovely to be able to display it on the Dashboard.

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    Connection lost when moving between office and home

    Scott · 0 · Posted

    When I move between the office and work, I have noticed that Catlight seems to show as Offline. Pressing refresh or Ctrl-refresh doesn't solve it. I need to quit the app and restart it to get it to connect again.

    I've attached a screenshot... a popup box did appear at the top of the window saying "Error 500, check the catlight logs for more info", but that doesn't seem to have shown up in the screengrab.

    Logs attached.

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    My fonts changed to a different type and now it is difficult to read the dashbord.

    Wgf · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    I think I deleted the required font for Catlight and now Catlight is using some crazy font I can barely read.

    How do I change the font family or reinstall the required font?


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    Support for Polarion

    wilhelm.kroeker · 0 · Posted

    Polarion is an ALM Tool similar to TFS. Notifications for Polarion Work Items would be great.


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    Save out a report

    Rich Day · 0 · Posted

    It would be great if Catlight could save a report on build / pipeline status in CSV for further analysis. Including information such as name, status, how long ago, who broke it, if it's being investigated for example.

    A further formatted report in HTML/PDF/DOC format would also be useful.

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    Bug notifications

    Eldad Cohen · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Is it relevant for free edition ?

    Is it possible to make notifications for new work item entity we created.
