New Topics

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    DevOps WorkItems - If too many the content is duplicated

    Stefano Primo · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    If the list of the work items is not expanded, everything is fine. But when there are too many WIs and the list is expanded, the list will now appear two times (see screenshot)

    the two list saw in this one are the same

  • CatLight 2.33 - Ubuntu 20.04 support

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    New version of CatLight works on Ubuntu 20.04. 

    We also migrated the code base to .Net core 3.1 across all platforms.

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    Cancelled Builds from Azure DevOps show up as failed


    I have been looking at using CatLight in our organisation and you guys have a fantastic tool!

    I have one rather significant issue however. Cancelled builds seem to show up as failed. This makes my catlight red most of the time as we tend to let our pull request builds cancel mid way through as we dont have them as a required pass to complete the PR.

    I have read 4 years ago a post from you guys that this is related to the fact that TFS cancels after a timeout. I believe it now errors at timeout if

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    Catlight Will not Load (Spinning)

    Charlie Harris · 0 · Posted

    I am an administrator on our Motion Industries Catlight Instance and since day one I have had intermittent problems with my instance of Catlight locally. Here is my properties file: C:\Users\dp019562\AppData\Local\CatLight\CatLight.exe -a "--show-dashboard"

    Thanks, Charlie harris

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    Unexpected or incorrect Jenkins job url

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Symptoms: when you click on a job on the CatLight dashboard, it can open a different URL from what you would expect.

    Resolution: Please check that the "Jenkins URL" is set correctly on the server. You can see it at Manage Jenkins/Configure System

  • CatLight 2.32 - Mac OS 10.15 support

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Mac OS 10.15 introduced additional checks for starting apps. CatLight app was updated work with them.

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    Windows Defender Smartscreen blocks CatlightSetup-2.32.2.exe

    BC · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Since version 2.32.2 the setup.exe is blocked by Windows Defender Smartscreen. I assume there is no malware included but don't fully trust to 'Run anyway'. So i'll stick to the pre-latest version for now.

    Would be nice if this issue can be resolved within the next update.

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    Task bar icon is green when disconnected

    Rcav · 0 · Posted

    Anytime catlight has an error displaying the projects, which are solved by reconnecting, the task bar icon is solid green.

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    Taskbar Notifications

    Justin Bauer · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Am I able to receive taskbar notifications when a build starts or finishes or fails instead of having to open the dashboard? I vaguely remember seeing popups in the past from the notification area of my taskbar before I got a new computer.

  • How to buy CatLight (for resellers)

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    How to buy

    If you want to buy CatLight for another company, use the following instructions. You will need a credit card to complete the purchase.

    1. Go to and click "Buy CatLight". You will be forwarded to the account creation page.
    2. Create an account: provide and confirm your email.
    3. Buy the subscription using a credit card. 
    4. Assign a subscription to the customer.
      • Ask the customer if they already have a team in CatLight (most customers already do). They should provide you the email of the person who is on the CatLight team that will receive the subscription.
      • Go to the
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    “” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.

    Chirag · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Trying to run the app on macOS Catalina Version 10.15.4 and getting the following error:

    "” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software."

  • CatLight 2.31 - Team pull requests in Azure DevOps

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    New version of CatLight will show a pull request on a dashboard when it is assigned to one of your teams.

    For Azure DevOps, the app needs additional permissions to determine team membership. You can click on "Reconnect" on the dashboard to update the permissions.

    Get the latest version from

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    Catlight starts a lot of TCP connections to localhost to same remote port

    Anon · 0 · Posted

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open TCPView from sysinternal
    2. Open Catlight
    3. You will see that a lot of sockets are created with System Process
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    How does one connect CatLight to Azure DevOps Express (the local, on-prem variant)?

    Fdweller · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Just downloaded the extension, want to hook it up to my local Azure DevOps express - no obvious way to do so.

  • Azure DevOps connection problems

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Some users experience authorization/authentication problems when they try to connect to Azure DevOps from CatLight. They can get an error message "Unauthorized" or 302 HTTP code.

    This usually happens when the user has multiple Microsoft accounts(e.g. personal and work accounts), and the wrong account gets used during connection.

    CatLight uses the default web browser to authenticate to Azure DevOps. This browser can have a different Microsoft account authenticated in it. For example, you use Chrome in day-to-day work and sign in using a work account there. But, the default browser is Internet Explorer or Safari, and it might have your

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    Show the number of items on the dashboard and in settings

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Suggested by DSmith:

    I maintain 280+ build/release scripts and with the new search bar filtering it would be beneficial to have the number of items found on a search displayed and an overall total when a filter is not applied..

    A count of items on the settings page for build and releases. I can see a number of items available and number of items selected would be beneficial.

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    Catlight installation on CentOS

    va · 2 · Last reply by va


    Can we installed Catlight on CentOS 8?

    Download page shows only support for ubuntu OS using .deb package.

    If we can install catlight on CentOS, please share the supporting document for installation on CentOS.



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    Display checkin-comment i dasboard and/or build notification

    Christian Haugan · 0 · Posted

    It would be very useful to be able to display the checkin-comment (TFS) in the dashbord, and perhaps the new build notification

  • CatLight 2.30 - Wildcard filtering on the dashboard

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    New version of CatLight introduces wildcard filtering on the dashboard.

    Download the latest version from