New subscription to Catlight

To whomever addresses this issue.

I am James McFarland my boss updated our catlight subscription because we got a new email address because we were bought.

I recieved and email from catlight saying

Todd Rogers invited you to use CatLight.

To join the team

  1. Get the app

Use invitation code to join the team

but i don't get the chance to enter the code to join the team. Also when i log in to your website it says You have an active trial that will expire on Feb 19, 2020

i think i'm missing something.

1 reply

We use email as a user id. Since it has changed, another user was created. 

Make sure that you are logged in with the correct user in "Help and Feedback" menu -> About.

If it still shows your old email, you can sign out & sign in again with a new email.