New Topics

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    Connecting to TFS - Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request).

    Patrick · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Unfortunately CatLight does not seem to be working.

    I seem to be able to successfully authenticate with my domain account and select the Builds, Releases and Workitems, however, I then get a 400 error.

    Could you please advise what my issue may be?

    Please refer to attached log files and screenshot.

  • CatLight 2.15 - TFS build folders and connection rename

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    New in CatLight 2.15:

    • TFS build folders are now supported.
    • Server title can be changed in settings.
    • Linux version now supports Ubuntu 16 and no longer supports Ubuntu 14.
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    Unable to start CatLight

    Idan Lavy · 3 · Last reply by catlight


    I get a blue screen suggesting the below:

    Cannot start the app

    Please make sure that you have KB2533623 and Universal CRT installed.

    Application logs are at %APPDATA%\Catlight\Logs

    You can send the logs to [email protected] and we will try to fix this.



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    Shortcut on desktop is created everytime CatLight updates itself

    Mek · 0 · Posted

    CatLight likes to update itself in the background, without me knowing about that. Anyway, when it updates itself, it always creates a shortcut on my desktop. I don't like this behavior because I have to delete the shortcut everytime. I see no point of having a shortcut on my desktop when CatLight is always available via the tray and is set to start with Windows.

    Please do not re-create the shortcut after user deletes it.

  • CatLight 2.14 - Green cat and High Sierra support

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    When all your builds and tasks are in a good shape, CatLight icon will now turn green.

    Get the latest version from 

    CatLight 2.14 also supports new Mac OS High Sierra (10.13). However, it can no longer run on old versions of Mac OS (10.11 and older) due to compatibility limitations of .Net Core. If you want to stay on older version of Mac OS, you can still use 2.12 version of the app.

  • How to reset the app

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    If you experience problems with starting the application, you can reset it by deleting configuration files. This will remove all your CatLight settings and preferences, and will revert the app to the factory state. Before deleting the configuration files, exit the app.

    Location of configuration files on different platforms


    Mac OS:


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    Can not login in catlight app to activate license

    Morten · 3 · Last reply by catlight

    On Windows PC trying to log in to the app to active the licens I get this error: an error occurred while sending the request - we have a http proxy but as far as we can see it allows the http/https traffic to * to pass through. Is it possible to active some verbose logging in catlight app to investigate further? Regards Morten

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    Not able to add third email to 3 user subscription

    Andrew Fornek · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Not able to add third email to 3 user subscription. Website just hangs

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    Extend "hide work item changes that i made myself"

    Enri Grossi · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    It would be nice have an option like:

    "hide work item changes made by:"

    and a list of ignored users changes.


  • CatLight 2.12 - Focus mode

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Getting distracted by too many notifications? Try the new focus mode. CatLight icon will turn white, and you will get notifications only if you break the build.

    Focus mode will be active for 12 hours.

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    Showing old, failed build when build has passed (CatLight v2.11.10; Jenkins 2.60.1)

    Richard Bogle · 1 · Last reply by Richard Bogle

    The connection logs in as an admin to our Jenkins server. "All builds" is checked for "Show build notifications". All options are checked for "Show notifications". Dashboard is showing old, failed build when build has passed (CatLight v2.11.10; Jenkins 2.60.1). Why are later builds not showing up?

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    "I will investigate" shows error when clicked (and hides estimated build time) and spanner disappears before can be clicked

    Darren Wogan · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    Clicking "I will investigate" message generates a "Error: Request failed with status code 500" message and am unable to click the config icon (spanner) as disappears straight away.

    This prevents you dismissing or selecting to stop investigating, which then prevents you seeing the estimated build completion time for a fresh build.

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    Be able to resize the notifications that show

    Ash Rhodes · 0 · Posted

    With dual monitors its sometimes hard to see when a notification pops up in the corner, I'm like a horse with blinds on sometimes and I would love to be able to have a bigger notification or be able to turn the entire screen red, for just a second or two when the build fails that way I can jump right on it instead of having to check the corner.

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    Task showing up twice

    Earth Der-Rick C-137 · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    I have a task showing up twice in the list

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    Cannot create account in the app

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    This usually happens when the app cannot connect to the online service.

    Please check your firewall, and make sure that CatLight.exe and LocalWeb.exe processes are allowed to connect to the Internet.

    If you use a proxy server that requires manual configuration, you can go to Edit menu/Settings/Proxy and provide connection details.

    For more information, you can check the application logs at %AppData%\CatLight\Logs\log.txt

    Here is a sample error message, indicating a connection problem:


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    Demande de facture

    Esposto · 0 · Posted

    Bonjour , 

    Pouvez-vous m'envoyer la facture relative à la commande [#2561-0780] ou m'expliquer la procédure afin de la télécharger ? 

    Voici mon adresse mail : [email protected]


    Bien à vous , 


    Samuel Esposto 

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    Is it possible to integrate Dual Factor Authentication?

    [email protected] · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Would it be possible to use Dual Factor Authentication via OKTA to prompt for credentials?

    We use Jenkins 2.0

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    Where is the information who investigates which build stored?

    Konrad · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    Is this information stored at a CatLight server? Or do I have to provide a central location (database?) in my company to store and share this information for all clients?

  • CatLight 2.11 - UI Updates

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    In this release we have multiple UI updates in the app, and several bugfixes.

  • CatLight 2.10 - Search on the dashboard

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    New dashboard has a search field that will filter builds and task by name.

    Additionally, you can search by id of the specific build or task to highlight it on the dashboard.

    Get new version from