New Topics

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    Use vector icons for menu bar

    ianpaschal · 0 · Posted

    The raster image looks quite bad on macOS, particularly on HDPI screens. Most menu bar icons are SVG files and are nice and crisp. Using a solid/outline red instead of this shaded icon would look a lot better. Or at least make @2x versions of the icon.

  • 1

    "An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate"

    Paul Lambert · 3 · Last reply by Paul Lambert

    I get this error trying to add a connection to our jenkins site. Its accessible outside of our VPN through use of certificates...and I can access our jenkins site fine in the browser.

  • 1

    HTTP session not maintained on login

    AJ Ashkar · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    Looks like on build poll, it's logging in every time.  For users that have 1 time tokens, re-authentication will have to rely on HTTP session

  • CatLight 2.17 - Auto-discovery of new builds

    catlight · 1 · Last reply by BC

    CatLight 2.17 will automatically discover new builds, releases and work item queries. When you monitor the whole project, and new item is added to it, CatLight will start monitoring it automatically.

    By default, discovery happens every 30 minutes, but you can trigger it at any time by pressing refresh button on the dashboard. Discovery period is configurable in application settings. Keep in mind that this process can create a significant load on your server, so we advise to do it infrequently.

  • 1

    im trying to install in ubuntu 16.04

    hello lads,

    but im getting this errors

    I searched in other posts and all i found was a fix in 15.02 where libicus52 is able to install but now, in 16.04 libicus52 does not exists and i can only get libicus55.

    Can i get some help to install this in my ubuntu 16.04?



  • 1

    Unable to Change plan Using Chrome or Firefox or IE

    Sam · 2 · Last reply by catlight

    Hi team, 

    Our subscription is auto renewing on the 6th April:- Accounts under [email protected]

     I am checking to see what other option we have in terms  of number of users.

    I clicked on the Change plan, first used to get an error message unable to get renewal date . But now seeing a blank page.

    Any suggestions ?

    Best Regards,


    Best R

  • 1

    How to add Jenkins Connection? (Jenkins has Google Auth)

    Yml Test YML · 2 · Last reply by Paul Lambert

    I have a Jenkins server which is configured to have Google Auth for a specific domain to be logged in. (It is an office CI tool)

    Good news is, I'm Admin of that so I can do modifications to get this thing going.

    Bad news is, I do not know how can I do the modification such that I can create a connection on CatLight. 

    Please assist.

  • 1

    hide from alt tab when minimized

    Adam Short · 0 · Posted

    When I minimise cat light to system tray using the "X" button, it remains in the "alt-tab" window which I don't think it should. Most other apps don't behave like this.

  • 1

    Builds triggered from CatLight always fail

    Dick · 3 · Last reply by catlight

    we are using v2.16.2 with TFS2017U3. When triggering a build from the CatLight Dashboard, it always fails, while the source.sourcebranch is wrong: It is like: "$/1f514959-d477-4a4a-ada9-96806bc37ce8/features/feat110" While it should be like: "$/Project/features/feat110"

  • CatLight 2.16 - Enterprise Edition

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Introducing CatLight Enterprise! 

    You can now run CatLight services on your own hardware behind the firewall. This will be useful for companies with strict security requirements.

    Contact us at [email protected] for installation instructions and trial license.  

  • Infrastructure updates

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    We have updated our back-end infrastructure to improve the system performance.

    If you experience any problems, feel free to report them at or directly to [email protected] 

  • 3

    portable install

    William Jones · 0 · Posted

    Similar to

    In this case it would just be an archive with the exe.

  • 4

    CatLight distribution for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    Upvote this idea if you need CatLight for RHEL 7

  • 1

    Advanced Notification Settings

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    I would like to change the notification settings in a more detailed way:

    I want to get a "Build starts"-notification if I start a build and a "Build succeeds"-notification if it succeeds, but when other people start a build I only want to see the "Build starts"-notification because it could interrupt my work. It's not necessary for me to see the "Build succeeds"-notification.

    (Suggested by Michael)

  • 1

    Catlight does not work on debian stretch

    Arkan · 3 · Last reply by Arkan

    Hi, I have debian stretch installed, and I tried to install Catlight 2.15.4, I saw that it needs libicu52 which it does not exist on stretch, so I used jessie repo to get it, then install Catlight-2.15.4.deb with dpkg, it started but with empty content, it has only menu, but it does not work if I try to sign in, or add a connection, but it can redirect me through the browser if I click on "Report a Problem".

    I attached a screenshot for it.

    Best regards,


  • 1

    Deploy Catlight to multiple users using SCCM

    Peter · 1 · Last reply by catlight

    How can I deploy the Catlight package to more than 100 users (using MS SCCM) ? How is licensing done automatically in that case ?

  • 2

    Build Now for multiple build definitions

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    It would be great if I could select multiple build definitions to queue multiple builds at once.

    Suggested by Rie.

  • 8

    Ability to put the build at the top of the queue when using "Build now"

    catlight · 0 · Posted

    It would be nice to allow the changing of an existing build's priority level like can be done in Visual Studio. Also, allow the explicit setting of the build priority when initiating a new build from the context menu "Build Now" option. This would be helpful after fixing broken builds and bumping them  towards the top.

    (suggested by Eric)

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    Jenkins connection with Gmail SSO

    Remy Chabin · 2 · Last reply by Eldad Cohen

    Hello guys,

    Is it possible to connect CatLight to a Jenkins server when authentication is made with the Gmail SSO?


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    build investigation feature is hidden

    andi · 1 · Last reply by catlight


    I just stumbled onto an issue.

    I was wondering why the build investigation feature was not showing up, although I added my credentials for the jenkins build server.

    It turns out that the feature only works when you provide base url for the jenkins server:


    if you provide a link to a filtered view like


    the jobs will show show up in catlight, like they are specified in the jenkins view, but the build investigation feature will not work.

    This is not a big problem and can be avoided easily. But I thought you might want