screen saver
Would love a full screen, screen saver mode.
- Should display full screen
- On Mouse Movement should go back to lock screen
- On Keyboard Press it should go back to lock screen
Used for displaying on a build board in team area.
Use vector icons for menu bar
The raster image looks quite bad on macOS, particularly on HDPI screens. Most menu bar icons are SVG files and are nice and crisp. Using a solid/outline red instead of this shaded icon would look a lot better. Or at least make @2x versions of the icon.
hide from alt tab when minimized
When I minimise cat light to system tray using the "X" button, it remains in the "alt-tab" window which I don't think it should. Most other apps don't behave like this.
portable install
Similar to https://catlight.helprace.com/i46-chocolatey-package
In this case it would just be an archive with the exe.
CatLight distribution for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Upvote this idea if you need CatLight for RHEL 7
Advanced Notification Settings
I would like to change the notification settings in a more detailed way:
I want to get a "Build starts"-notification if I start a build and a "Build succeeds"-notification if it succeeds, but when other people start a build I only want to see the "Build starts"-notification because it could interrupt my work. It's not necessary for me to see the "Build succeeds"-notification.
(Suggested by Michael)
Build Now for multiple build definitions
It would be great if I could select multiple build definitions to queue multiple builds at once.
Suggested by Rie.
Ability to put the build at the top of the queue when using "Build now"
It would be nice to allow the changing of an existing build's priority level like can be done in Visual Studio. Also, allow the explicit setting of the build priority when initiating a new build from the context menu "Build Now" option. This would be helpful after fixing broken builds and bumping them towards the top.
(suggested by Eric)
Extend "hide work item changes that i made myself"
It would be nice have an option like:
"hide work item changes made by:"
and a list of ignored users changes.
Be able to resize the notifications that show
With dual monitors its sometimes hard to see when a notification pops up in the corner, I'm like a horse with blinds on sometimes and I would love to be able to have a bigger notification or be able to turn the entire screen red, for just a second or two when the build fails that way I can jump right on it instead of having to check the corner.
Choose Catlight's logo
I prefer dogs than cats, :-)
Could we set another logo to display or choose some preset logos ?
Full screen mode
I want to put this on a huge screen in my office. With big text and big green/red squares. How do I do that? How can I zoom?