This error appears regularly on daily basis


I have seen the error message below regularly on daily basis. I can fix it by re-authenticating with my Azure DevOps but it will come back again after some time. It is very frustrating. Can you please tell me how i can get rid of it permanently?



3 replies

This happens when the authentication token expires and cannot be refreshed for some reason.

A few questions:

  1. How do you authenticate to Azure DevOps - using the browser, or using Personal Access token(PAT)?
  2. Did that problem start happening recently, or has it happened all the time before?

Can you also send us the diagnostic report that will include the logs. To do that, click on the "Help and Feedback" menu in the app -> Send diagnostic report to support.

You can try resetting the app to rule out the issues with the local configuration - https://support.catlight.io/i283-how-to-reset-the-app 

If that does not help, you can try using PAT as a workaround - https://support.catlight.io/i418-azure-devops-connection-problems 



1. using the browser.

2. I can't be certain - but I guess it started not long after I have subscribed to the pro plan.