
No accelerated notifications for Azure DevOps

Hi! We enabled and configured the devops addon as suggested in https://support.catlight.io/i499-how-to-configure-accelerated-notifications-for-azure-devops but the acceleration isn't recognized. I event installed catlight on a new machine to see if my local settings interfere with it but no, the acceleration doesn't show up.

Do we need to do anything more than what is described?


4 replies

Can you send us a diagnostic report with logs so that we can investigate this further? To do that, click on the "Help and Feedback" menu in the app -> Send diagnostic report to support.

Thanks for reporting this! There was an issue affecting organizations that had capital letters in their names. We fixed it on the server side. Please restart the app to see the changes.

We made additional improvements in the client app in 3.7.2 to handle different capitalization of project names in the URL correctly.


I have sent the diagnostic report, the Report Id is 12769