Cancelled Builds from Azure DevOps show up as failed


I have been looking at using CatLight in our organisation and you guys have a fantastic tool!

I have one rather significant issue however. Cancelled builds seem to show up as failed. This makes my catlight red most of the time as we tend to let our pull request builds cancel mid way through as we dont have them as a required pass to complete the PR.

I have read 4 years ago a post from you guys that this is related to the fact that TFS cancels after a timeout. I believe it now errors at timeout if that helps? In which case cancelled can now be labelled correctly.

Many thanks,


2 replies

What kind of Catlight status in tray would you expect to see for cancelled builds?


Status of the previous build. Or, if you're in doubt of how this feature should behave, because developers have different opinions, let it be configurable. To me, Red also seems to be a tad pessimistic.


There isnt neccesarily one of your statuses that fits well. However I would suggest Info? Really a cancelled build isnt a failure. There is some argument to not show a cancelled build at all in Catlight as it never had a resolution?