Support a drop-down menu when the CatLight icon is clicked in the macOS menubar

On macOS, clicking on an icon in the menu bar generally results is a drop-down menu. Examples from the OS include "Control Center", "Time Machine", and "Sound". Third party examples are numerous and include "PopClip", "Alfred", "JetBrains Toolbox", "OneDrive", "iStat Menus", and "1Password".

Clicking the CatLight icon in the menu bar brings the open CatLight app to the front. Directly showing a dashboard (see "iStat Menus" or "JetBrains Toolbox") or providing a menu choice of which dashboard to show would be helpful.

1 reply

I can share a bit more details on why it works that way. The icon only shows the overall status without any details, so we expect developers to frequently click on it to see the actual alerts. Most of the teams will have only one dashboard, so that's why we open and bring the dashboard to the front on the icon click.

There is not much to show in the dropdown menu of the app, and we want to remove the extra click needed to open the dashboard.


Are you familiar with  "iStat Menus"? On the Bjango website you can see an example.

The JetBrains Toolbox app is another example.

For both tools, the entire app is the drop-down menu from the menu bar icon and neither app appears in the dock.

Thanks for clarifying! I see what you mean now - the entire app is a dropdown menu.

This is a good suggestion, I'll include it in the feature request list.