Can I use Catlight to monitor all open and waiting Pull Requests from all team collaborators across a collection?

I intend to use Catlight to monitor around 30 projects, each with 5 or so repos. We are using Azure Devops Server (self-hosted).

My planned usage scenario is to have Catlight just for the PR managing team (around 5 people). By default, Catlight monitors only items from the logged user.

3 replies

Currently, CatLight shows PRs that are related to the current user, or any team that the current user belongs to.

As a workaround, people can additionally assign the PR to a team that you are a member of, and then those PRs will show up on your dashboard.


By team you mean Azure Project Team (the standard team that's created for each Project) or a CatLight Team?

Also, is it planned to add such a feature? Another feature I'd like to see is being able to filter PRs from specific users and Azure groups/Teams.

Azure Project Team. 

CatLight is currently focused on providing actionable items to people who can fix them. Looks like you are requesting a management/oversight/reporting functionality. It is not in the near-term plans, but we can see if there is a demand for this feature - people can upvote this question to let us know that they need this too.


I've ran some tests with the following scenario:

* Two Azure devs, Catlight installed for both, sharing a Catlight Dashboard.

* Both devs are in the project's Team (in the COLLECTION Contributor group)

The second dev only gets the PR notification if he's added manually as a reviewer.

We use Collection Groups for the Code Reviewers policies so devs don't have to manually add reviewers.

How could I achieve this?