
I'm using VSTS and it works. After a couple of hours, it stops working with 'Configuration Needed'

Configuration Needed

Authentication needed. Error message: TF400813%3a+Resource+not+available+for+anonymous+access.+Client+authentication+required.

When I click the Configure link after it, it reconnects.

This is not desirable if I'm expecting notifications and can't tell that it is down unless I go to the dashboard.

6 replies

Please make sure that you use latest version (1.3.11 or newer). We had a bug in older versions when dashboard would not refresh after re-connection. You can get latest version from https://catlight.io/downloads 


I just got the latest. I can confirm if it is not an issue anymore after today. Thank you.


This is resolved. Thanks!


This is an issue again.

We recently discovered a different issue with similar symptoms. It was fixed in 1.5.3.  If you still see this in latest version, then send us the logs in an archive from %appdata%\catlight\logs to [email protected] 


I emailed the log files.

Just started seeing this issue today. I keeped getting "AuthenticationException: Authentication needed. Error message: TF400813 Resource not available for anonymous access. Client authentication required." after a token expired. I had to remove the connection and add it again.

Hi John, can you send us all the logs from %appdata%\catlight\logs to [email protected] so we could investigate further?

The magic of concurrency - no mater how many times you fix it, it is still broken. This time the problem was when we made two parallel request to VSTS when access token was expired, and two token refresh sequences started.  And, if second token refresh completed just before first VSTS request was retried with refreshed token, we could end up with a token that is not valid and cannot be refreshed.

Anyway, this one was fixed in 1.7.6  - https://catlight.io/downloads 

If you already have a connection that need configuration, you just re-configure it again, VSTS will re-ask you for authentication, and everything should be ok. The build monitoring settings should be preserved after re-authentication.