Builds triggered from CatLight always fail

we are using v2.16.2 with TFS2017U3. When triggering a build from the CatLight Dashboard, it always fails, while the source.sourcebranch is wrong:
It is like: "$/1f514959-d477-4a4a-ada9-96806bc37ce8/features/feat110"
While it should be like: "$/Project/features/feat110"

3 replies

A couple of questions:

  1. Does you build require any additional parameters that are specified in TFS UI?
  2. Is it a XAML Build?
  3. What source control system is used with this build? TFVC?


1. We have 3 additional variables in the build, which values can be altered at queue time.

2. It is a vNext build.

3. Sourcecontrol is TFVC. 

CatLight triggers the build in the default state, so those variables might not get set.

Can you try triggering some other build that does not have any variables?


Triggering a build definition that has no variables set works ok.

How can we trigger a build that needs additional variables (with default value)?



How can we trigger a build that needs additional variables (with default values)?

Not at the moment, but we will include this enhancement in our roadmap.