
Adding a VSTS connection fails

When I add a VSTS connection, I'm properly prompted to Accept or Deny

I click on Accept, and I get redirected to localhost with an AccessToken in the URI, however the local server reports the following.

Connection problem

There was a problem accessing your account: Response status code does not indicate success: 302 (Found).

Please make sure that:

  • Account url is correct and accessible: https://xxxx.visualstudio.com:443/DefaultCollection
  • User that is logged in this browser have access to https://xxxx.visualstudio.com:443/DefaultCollection
You can close this window and return to CatLight app.
If you need to use another Microsoft account, sign in to it in this browser before connecting.


How does one get this to work?


2 replies

Seeing this issue

I signed out from VSTS (even though I was properly signed-in with the correct account)

and the problem disappeared.




Thanks for sharing your experience. This problem can occur when visualstudio.com does not accept the access token for a specific account. You have discovered one of the reasons for this, but there may be more.

We'll update our in-app guide to suggest users to sign out and sign in to work around the problem.