
Don't update status of task bar

Don't update status of task bar. Version of CatLight - 2.1.3 Beta.

All my builds - success, but status of tas bar is red.

4 replies

Hi Denis,

Icon can be orange if one of the connections need configuration. This should be visible on the dashboard.

If none of the connections need configuration, please send us the logs from %appdata%\catlight\logs  to [email protected] , so we can investigate this.

Hello, I have the same issue. Builds are passed, yet one of the build step is always red.

Hi, what build server do you use? Is the build green on CatLight dashboard?

Linux logs are at ~/.config/Catlight/Logs 

Same issue, catlight for Linux. ( Very promising app by the way!) 


Where are the logfile on linux version? 



Some computer configurations had problems with changing icon in windows taskbar. We changed the way of displaying icon, and it should work better in CatLight 2.10