Connection Problem: Response status code does not indicate success: 302 (Found)
Today CatLight prompted me to re-init my TFS connection which is for a Visual Studio Online account. When I click Save on the TFS connection settings screen, it opens a page in my browser to authorize CatLight. When I click Accept, I get this message (base URL obfuscated on purpose):
Connection problem
There was a problem accessing your account: Response status code does not indicate success: 302 (Found).
Please make sure that:
- Collection url is correct and accessible:
- User that is logged in this browser have access to
You can close this window and return to CatLight app.If you need to use another Microsoft account, sign in to it in this browser before connecting.
The problem seems to be that now redirects to
I am using CatLight for Windows v 1.8.7 beta.