
Make port number fixed/configurable

Could you make the http port configurable to make sure that Catlight always runs under the same port? Now it just picks a random available port.

4 replies

Implemented in 2.0. 

You can run catlight.exe with command line parameter --app-port=12345

Hi catlight,

Since this feature request has a planned status for a while now, can you say anything on when this might be implemented in an upcoming release? Would be a great addition for us! Thanks.

It's actually already implemented, and will be released with 2.0. Since there are a lot of other changes in new version, this may happen in a month or so.


We have several tabs open, which we saved in a folder. Catlight is the only one we need to open separately because the port changes. If we can make it fixed we can open it directly from the folder. We use a chrome plugin that cycles through the tabs on our projector that the whole devops team can see (and name and shame the dev that broke the build ofcourse ;) ) 

If we had a fixed port there is a chance that it would be occupied and the app could not start then. Why do you want the app to have a fixed port?


Because we have a monitoring instance of chrome, which automatically starts, catlight is the only app-page which we have to start manually. Isn't it possible to just keep this behavior, and make a optional configurable port? 


I work in the same company as BC

Yes, this is possible to implement, but can you explain in a bit more detail what are you trying to achieve with this? Does this monitoring instance of chrome aggregate dashboards from multiple sources and switch from one to another on a shared screen? Maybe we missed an important use case that the app should handle.