
cannot change credentials after password expired

after tfs password change the application keeps trying to connect and i am never able to set the credentials again


here the logs


[2016-03-29 15:02:27.603] [INFO] main - Starting app
[2016-03-29 15:02:27.626] [DEBUG] main - Starting tray... Platform: win32. App version: 1.1.20. App path: C:\Users\fisemi\AppData\Local\CatLight\app-1.1.20\resources\app.asar
[2016-03-29 15:02:27.626] [INFO] main - Processing command: undefined
[2016-03-29 15:02:27.626] [INFO] main - App ready
[2016-03-29 15:02:27.646] [DEBUG] main - Display scale factor: 100
[2016-03-29 15:02:27.691] [DEBUG] main - Update channel: beta from C:\Users\fisemi\AppData\Local\CatLight\app-1.1.20\resources/update_channel.txt
[2016-03-29 15:02:27.692] [DEBUG] main - Updater configured
[2016-03-29 15:02:27.699] [DEBUG] main - Starting web on port 4175
[2016-03-29 15:02:28.166] [INFO] console - web stdout: Application startup exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Web.Startup' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'NLog.Common.InternalLogger' threw an exception. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: level2
at NLog.Internal.ParameterUtils.AssertNotNull(Object value, String parameterName)
at NLog.LogLevel.op_LessThan(LogLevel level1, LogLevel level2)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Write(Exception ex, LogLevel level, String message, Object[] args)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Log(Exception ex, LogLevel level, String message)
at NLog.Internal.ExceptionHelper.MustBeRethrown(Exception exception)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.GetSetting[T](String configName, String envName, T defaultValue)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Reset()
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Debug(String message, Object[] args)
at NLog.LogFactory.GetConfigurationForLogger(String name, LoggingConfiguration configuration)
at NLog.LogFactory.GetLogger(LoggerCacheKey cacheKey)
at NLog.LogFactory.GetLogger(String name)
at NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger()
at Web.Startup..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Web.Startup..ctor(IHostingEnvironment env)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.ConstructorMatcher.CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider)
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider, Type instanceType, Object[] parameters)
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.GetServiceOrCreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider, Type type)
at Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.Startup.StartupLoader.LoadMethods(Type startupType, IList`1 diagnosticMessages)
at Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.Internal.HostingEngine.EnsureStartup()
at Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.Internal.HostingEngine.EnsureApplicationServices()
at Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.Internal.HostingEngine.BuildApplication()

[2016-03-29 15:02:28.206] [INFO] console - web stderr: Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.UvException: Error -4091 EADDRINUSE address already in use
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.Libuv.Check(Int32 statusCode)
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.Libuv.listen(UvStreamHandle handle, Int32 backlog, uv_connection_cb cb)
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.UvStreamHandle.Listen(Int32 backlog, Action`4 callback, Object state)
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Http.TcpListener.CreateListenSocket()
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Http.Listener.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<StartAsync>b__0(Object _)

[2016-03-29 15:02:28.207] [INFO] console - web stderr:
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'NLog.Common.InternalLogger' threw an exception. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: level2
at NLog.Internal.ParameterUtils.AssertNotNull(Object value, String parameterName)
at NLog.LogLevel.op_LessThan(LogLevel level1, LogLevel level2)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Write(Exception ex, LogLevel level, String message, Object[] args)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Log(Exception ex, LogLevel level, String message)
at NLog.Internal.ExceptionHelper.MustBeRethrown(Exception exception)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.GetSetting[T](String configName, String envName, T defaultValue)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Reset()
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Info(String message)
at NLog.LogManager.TurnOffLogging(Object sender, EventArgs args)
at NLog.Internal.Fakeables.AppDomainWrapper.OnProcessExit(Object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)

[2016-03-29 15:02:28.215] [INFO] console - web closing code: 1
[2016-03-29 15:02:28.721] [DEBUG] main - Waiting for service start: RequestError: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
[2016-03-29 15:02:29.744] [DEBUG] main - Process exited successfully.
[2016-03-29 15:02:29.745] [DEBUG] main - StdOut: Showing tray icon for C:\Users\fisemi\AppData\Local\CatLight\app-1.1.20\CatLight.exe
Icon set

[2016-03-29 15:02:30.729] [DEBUG] main - Waiting for service start: RequestError: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
[2016-03-29 15:02:32.732] [DEBUG] main - Waiting for service start: RequestError: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
[2016-03-29 15:02:34.746] [DEBUG] main - Waiting for service start: RequestError: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
[2016-03-29 15:02:36.750] [DEBUG] main - Waiting for service start: RequestError: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

5 replies

This was fixed in 1.3.14 with NLog update.


I've installed the latest version, disabled the firewall and antivirus and i still get the same problem. But the logs are slightly different: (it seems that on port 5000 the application is hosted but then on the loopback


[2016-03-30 11:19:20.889] [INFO] main - Starting app
[2016-03-30 11:19:20.909] [DEBUG] main - Starting tray... Platform: win32. App version: 1.2.5. App path: C:\Users\fisemi\AppData\Local\CatLight\app-1.2.5\resources\app.asar
[2016-03-30 11:19:20.910] [INFO] main - Processing command: --show-dashboard
[2016-03-30 11:19:20.910] [DEBUG] main - Launching and showing dashboard
[2016-03-30 11:19:20.910] [INFO] main - App ready
[2016-03-30 11:19:20.922] [DEBUG] main - Display scale factor: 100
[2016-03-30 11:19:20.961] [DEBUG] main - Update channel: beta from C:\Users\fisemi\AppData\Local\CatLight\app-1.2.5\resources/update_channel.txt
[2016-03-30 11:19:20.962] [DEBUG] main - Updater configured
[2016-03-30 11:19:20.967] [DEBUG] main - Starting web on port 1436
[2016-03-30 11:19:21.460] [INFO] console - web stdout: Application startup exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Web.Startup' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'NLog.Common.InternalLogger' threw an exception. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: level2
at NLog.Internal.ParameterUtils.AssertNotNull(Object value, String parameterName)
at NLog.LogLevel.op_LessThan(LogLevel level1, LogLevel level2)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Write(Exception ex, LogLevel level, String message, Object[] args)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Log(Exception ex, LogLevel level, String message)
at NLog.Internal.ExceptionHelper.MustBeRethrown(Exception exception)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.GetSetting[T](String configName, String envName, T defaultValue)
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Reset()
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Debug(String message, Object[] args)
at NLog.LogFactory.GetConfigurationForLogger(String name, LoggingConfiguration configuration)
at NLog.LogFactory.GetLogger(LoggerCacheKey cacheKey)
at NLog.LogFactory.GetLogger(String name)
at NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger()
at Web.Startup..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Web.Startup..ctor(IHostingEnvironment env)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.ConstructorMatcher.CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider)
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider, Type instanceType, Object[] parameters)
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.GetServiceOrCreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider, Type type)
at Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.Startup.StartupLoader.LoadMethods(Type startupType, IList`1 diagnosticMessages)
at Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.Internal.HostingEngine.EnsureStartup()
at Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.Internal.HostingEngine.EnsureApplicationServices()
at Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.Internal.HostingEngine.BuildApplication()

[2016-03-30 11:19:21.494] [INFO] console - web stdout: Hosting environment: Production
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

[2016-03-30 11:19:21.988] [DEBUG] main - Waiting for service start: RequestError: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
[2016-03-30 11:19:23.017] [DEBUG] main - Process exited successfully.
[2016-03-30 11:19:23.017] [DEBUG] main - StdOut: Showing tray icon for C:\Users\fisemi\AppData\Local\CatLight\app-1.2.5\CatLight.exe
Icon set

[2016-03-30 11:19:23.999] [DEBUG] main - Waiting for service start: RequestError: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED


so to see in the logs, it seems something goes wrong on the intialization of nlog (for the application running on the port where the connection refused comes from). that's why later on the process cannot use that application

And do you have a second log file, named just "log.txt" in %appdata%\CatLight\logs ? Can you send all the logs from that folder in an archive to [email protected] ? 

Also, what version of OS do you use? is it 32 or 64 bit?


I'm using windows 8.1 enterprise btw


Some extra info:

with version 1.0.42 it works good. I get a promt to add the exception to the windows firewall and everything works fine, but then the automatic update comes into play and suddenly is catlight updated to the latest version which i cannot use anymore

We are using pre-release version of NLog that is compatible with .Net Core, and apparently newer version is less stable than the previous one. We'll make some changes to improve startup reliability and get back to you.


great! i'll be eagerly waiting for you!



Looks like the problem happens early on start when application tries to bind to a tcp port, and it finds out that it is occupied. This can happen if a firewall interferes with the application.

Please try installing the latest version 1.2.x from https://catlight.io/downloads . We made a couple of improvements with firewall interactions in new version.

If that would not help, make sure that all catlight.exe and dnx.exe processes are closed in task manager, and then try to start the app again.

You can also consider temporary disabling firewall/anti-virus to see if they interfere with the application.




thanks for the quick response, I stille keep getting the same logs after deleting this folder, even after uninstalling

Hello Emiliano,

Thanks for reporting this problem. We will fix it in one of the upcoming versions.

Meanwhile, you can reset configuration and re-configure your connection:

  1. Make sure that the app is not running
  2. Delete %appdata%\catlight\data
  3. Start the app and configure connection with new credentials