
No notification - Jenkins & Win10


I have CatLight version 2.15.8. I have all settings for notifications on and listening on all branches. I can see when the build is running, failing, is done, etc. in catlight, but there is no notification popping up in windows.
What could I do?

3 replies

Do you use any third-party tools that adjusts the windows notifications or taskbar behavior? If you do, try turning it off temporarily.

Please attach application logs from "%AppData%\CatLight\logs" to a private ticket, so we can investigate this further.

Thanks for reporting this problem. The root cause is the bug in Electron that happens only on specific version of Windows. Electron developers made a fix, but it is not released yet. We will update CatLight as soon as this fix is available, possibly next week.


I also don't get notification on my linux.

the build runs in jenkins, but i don't get notifications rom Jenkins.

Do you see the required build on the dashboard?

By default, CatLight will only notify you about the builds that have failed, or the ones you have started. In some cases, the build is started by the Jenkins scheduler, triggers, or other users, so we wouldn't show a notification about it, as it was not directly started by you.

You can adjust the settings in the watch/list action list to include all the builds if you want to get more notifications.

Also, do you get a notification if the build that you monitor fails? You can create a test job that always fails, and select it for monitoring. That should produce a notification.