
Builds order for Team City sub-projects

Not sure if this happens for other CI servers too, but for Team City builds are organized in alphabetical manner. As I have some projects with sub-projects, I end up with related builds quite distant. I can work around this by prefixing Team City builds for sub projects, so they have common prefix, that should keep them together, though it seems to me this could be automated for better/easier organization.  

1 reply

We implemented sorting options in CatLight 2.4.0

You can go to edit menu/settings/dashboard to configure them.

In you case, you can try to configure the following sorting scheme:

  • Sort by state (red builds at the top)
  • Then by category (this includes the path to the build that you see in settings, and it should put builds from similarly-name projects close together)
  • Then by name

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